Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Easy as 1-2-3- siple steps for chest congestion, flu, and colds

Garlic and Onion Soup
**for colds, flu, respiratory infections or prevention of:

4 large white or yellow onions
2 whole cloves of garlic
2 tsp thyme
4 tbs olive oil
6 cups of vegetable broth
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 ba leaf
2 tbs honey
4 tbs fresh basil and parsley
1/4 tsp cayanne pepper *optional
sea salt and pepper to taste

Sautee the onions, garlic, and thyme in olive oil until golden brown. This step sweetens and mellows the intensity of the garlic and onions.
 Add the garlic and onions to a slow cooker with vegetable broth, white wine, and bay leaf. Slowly cook for 2-3 hours (or overnight).
Strain liquid, add honey, fresh basil and parsley, sea salt, fresh ground pepper, and cayanne.
Sip on this hot soup throughout the day, or have for lunch or dinner as a first course.

* Roasted Garlic used as a spread, garlic powder capsules, garlic oil, and aged garlic extract are other ways you can get you garlic. Onions and garlic are a antibacterial in action, as is theherb thyme. Cayanne pepper is recommended if there is fever present, while basil and parsley are cleansing and detoxifying herbs. This is an excellent soup to drink durin any type of infection or cold or to simply prepare during the cold winter months, when colds and flu are more present.

Also AVOID mucus causing foods such as dairy products, increase Vitamin C rich foods and beverages or increase supplementation and eat plenty of garlic or old fashioned garlic and onion soup. Drink plenty of fluids, especially herb teas, such as ginger and peppermint tea, or plain hot water with lemon.

Steams for Bronchitis:
ceramic glass or bowl
4 cups of hot water
1 drop of eucalyptus essential oil
1 drop peppermint
1 drop lemon
1 drop sandalwood

Pour hot water into a bowl.
Add essential oils.
Hold head about 8 inches from the water level (if you only have 1 of the 4 oils, you may use 2 drops of that essential oil)
Breath slowly for 5-10 min, 3 times a day.

Chest Treatment Oil:
(for bronchitis or moist cough)

1 oz vegetable oil
10 drops of eucalyptus oil
5 drops of hyssop oil
3 drops of peppermint oil
2 drops of cederwood oil

Massage into chest  draining from center outwards on chest, down the middle of chest and around outer rib cage towards inner rib cage. If you have someone who can massage the back, use strokes down and out from shoulders towards outer rib cage.

Breathing excercises:

These steps will help you expand the lungs, relax muscles, and relieve anxiety, help you fall asleep, enhance vitality, and youthfulness as more lood is pumped throughout he body.

1. Stretch the rib cage and spine (overhead arm reaches, side to side, clasp hands in back and lift fully open chest area)

2. Inhale through the nose (count of 3) allow this air to be filtered moistened and warmed

3. Breathe slowly and in a relaxed manner, allow complete exhalation (count of 4)

4. Practice breathing excercises in several positions:
Upper chest: concentrate on filling the upper chest area with your breath. Place your hands on the chest area to focus on this area.
Abdominal breathing: Contrate on filling the lower lungs with your breath and obseve the abdomen rise and fall. Place your hands there to confirm expansion.

Lateral chest breathing: concentrate on expanding your lower ribs with each breath. Place your hands on each side to help focus your attention on this area.

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